توانمندی زنان سرپرست خانوار و عوامل اجتماعی ـ فرهنگی مرتبط با آن: مطالعه زنان زیر پوشش کمیته امداد امام خمینی(ره) شهر تبریز


1 دکترای جامعه ‏شناسی و دانشیار دانشگاه یزد، دانشکده علوم اجتماعی.

2 کارشناس‏ارشد جامعه‏ شناسی، دانشکده علوم اجتماعی دانشگاه یزد.


    از آن‌جا که زنان سرپرست خانوار به دلایلی چون طلاق، فوت، اعتیاد و ازکارافتادگی همسر، جزء اقشار آسیب‌پذیر جامعه بشمار می روند، این پژوهش به بررسی توانمندی زنان سرپرست خانوار در شهر تبریز و عوامل اجتماعی ـ فرهنگی موثر بر آن پرداخته است.این پژوهش از نوع پیمایشی است؛ داده ها با ابزار پرسش نامه و با استفاده از شیوه نمونه‌گیری خوشه‌ای چندمرحله‌ای از میان 246 نفر از زنان سرپرست خانوار زیر پوشش کمیته امداد امام خمینی (ره) شهر تبریز گردآوری شده است. توانمندی در این پژوهش در چهار بعد: توانمندی روانی، اقتصادی، اجتماعی و سیاسی سنجیده شده است. اعتبار ابزار از نوع محتوایی بود و پایایی آن با استفاده از آلفای کرونباخ محرز گردید. نتایج نشان دادند متغیرهای تحصیلات، وسایل ارتباط جمعی، حمایت اجتماعی، سلامت عمومی و تغذیه دارای رابطه مثبت و معنادار با مقدار توانمندی زنان سرپرست خانوار بود؛ در حالی که متغیرهای سنت‌گرایی و وضعیت زناشویی رابطه ای معنادار با مقدار توانمندی زنان سرپرست خانوار نداشت. نتایج رگرسیون چندگانه نشانگر تاثیر معنادار پنج متغیر وسایل ارتباط جمعی، سلامت، حمایت اجتماعی، وضعیت تغذیه و سطح تحصیلات در مقدار توانمندی است که در این میان، سلامت بیش ترین نقش را در تبیین متغیر توانمندی ایفا می کند.


عنوان مقاله [English]

An Investigation of Socio-cultural Factors influencing Women Householder Abilities in the City of Tabriz

نویسندگان [English]

  • S.A.R Afshani 1
  • E Fatehi 2
چکیده [English]

  Since women headed households are considered as the vulnerable class of society due to reasons including: divorce, death, addiction and husband disablement, this study attempts to investigate socio-cultural factors influencing Tabriz women headed household and their ability degrees. The present research was a cross-sectional survey. Based on Cochran’s formula, the sample size was determined to be 288. The cluster sampling method helped to choose the sample members. The Questionnaires were distributed to collect required data and information. In this study, ability was measured from psychological, economic, social and political aspects. The validity of the data collection tool was ensured through a content validity and its reliability was tested through Cronbach's alpha. The finding of research showed that education, mass media, social support, physical health and food variables have positive and significant relationship with women households ability, however traditionalism and marital life condition has not significant relationship with the ability of women headed household. Multi regression results indicated that five variables including: mass media, health, social support, nutrition condition, and educational level have significant effect on ability degree and health plays the most important role among them in explaining the ability variable.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Ability
  • Women Householder
  • Stable Development
  • Tabriz City
  • Imam Khomeini Relief Committee
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- Arasti, Z. (2006). "Entrepreneur Women of Iran, Effective Sociocultural Structure of Entrepreneurial Job Creation". Journal of Women Studies, 4th edition, 1 (2): 93-119. [In Persian]
- Attarzadeh, M. (2009). "Media and Showing Woman’s Identity in Public Field". Women Studies, 3 (1): 42-57. [In Persian]
- Ayyat, S. &Aazamiyan, E. (2010). "Effects of Information, Technology and Communications on Empowering Rural Women". Journal of Village and Development, 14 (3):151-164. [In Persian]
- Bakhshipour Roodsari, A., Pairavi, H. & Abedian, A. (2005). "Studying the Relationship between Life Satisfaction and Social Protection with Mental Health of Students ". Journal of Principles of Mental Health, 7 (27-28): 154-152. [In Persian]
- Chambers, R. & Conway, G. (1997). "Sustainable Rural Livelihoods: Practical Concepts for the 21st century", IDS Discussion, 296 (4): 1-19.
- Chant, S. (1997). Woman – Headed House Holds: Diversity and Dynamics in the Development World. Hound Mills, Basingtoke, Mc Millan, Martins Press
- Enayat, H. & Dastranj, M. (2010). "Study of Power Structure in the Family, A Case Study of Lar City".Woman in Development and Politics, 8 (1): 107-124. [In Persian]
- Faraji Sabokbar, H., Nemati, M. & Khaki, A. (2012). "Studying the Mechanism of Effects of Information Technology on Rural Women’s Empowering Based on DEA Model, A Case Study of Qarn Abad Village". Woman in Development and Politics, 10 (1): 125-138. [In Persian]
- Farrokhi, T. (1997). "The Role of Women in Sustainable Development". Journal of Cooperation, 74: 76-79. [In Persian]
- Gazarpoor, F. & Najafi, F.(2012). "The Role of Woman in Family’s Nutrition Health ". Conference of Proceedings on Studying Problems and Difficulties of Women, Approaches and Priorities. 2, 821-838. [In Persian]
- Gholipour, A., Rahimiyan, A. & Mirzamani, A. (2008). "The Role of Official Education and Organizational Employment in Empowering Women of Tehran". Journal of Women Studies, 6 (3):113-132. [In Persian]
- Gholipour, A. & Rahimiyan, A. (2009). "The Relationship among Cultural, Political and Training Factors with Empowering Female-Headed Households". Journal of Social Welfare, 11 (40): 29-62. [In Persian]
- Grinstein, M. et al. (2008). "Asset Holding and Net Worth among Households with Children: Differences by Household type", journal of Children and Youth Services Review, 30(1): 62-78.
- Hamelink, S. J. (1999)."Human Development" in M.Tawfik (chief editir), World Communication and Information Report 1999-2000 Unesco: 23-45.
- Horrel, S. & Krishnan, P. (2004). "Poverty and Productivity in Female Headed Households in Zimbabwe", Journal of Development Studies, 27 (4): 216-230.
- Javed, Z. H. & Asif. A. (2011). "Female Households and Poverty: A Cease Study of Faisalabad District", International Journal of Peace and Development Studies, 2(2): 37- 44.
- Kazemi, M. (2007). "Survey of Empowering Strategies of Female Headed Households (with emphasis on the role of Cooperatives) ". Journal of Cooperation, 191 -192: 59-68. [In Persian]
- Ketabi, M., Yazdkhasti, B., & Farokhi-rastabi, Z. (2005). "Prerequisites and Barriers on Empowering Women, A case Study of Isfahan City". Research Journal of University of Isfahan (Department of Human Sciences), Volume 19 (2): 1-20. [In Persian]
- Ketabi, M., Yazdkhasti, B., & Farokhi-Rastabi, Z. (2003). "Empowering Women to Cooperate in Development". Journal of Women Studies, 1 (3): 5-30. [In Persian]
- Khedmatgozar-Khoshdel, M. (2000), "Explaining Effective Social Factors on Self-Esteem (with emphasis on social protection), A Case Study on B.A Students of University of Tabriz". M.A Thesis, Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, University of Tabriz. [In Persian]
- Khosravi, Z. (2001). "Studying Social and Mental Harms of Female Headed Households". Human Sciences Faculty of University of Al-Zahra, 11 (39): 17-93. [In Persian]
- Kyem, P. A. K. (2004). "Power, Participation and Inflexible Institutions: An Examination of the Challenges to Community Empowerment in Participatory GIS". Applications Cartographical, 38 (384): 5- 17.
-Longloise, J. & Fortin, D. (1994). "Single-parent Mothers, Poverty, Mental Health: Review of the Literature". Santé-Mental Québecoise, 19: 157-173.
- Longwe, S. & Clark, R. (1999). "Towards Improved Leadership for Women’s Empowerment in Africa: Measuring Progress and Improving Strategy". Unpublished Document.
- Mahdavi, M. S. & Hashemi, K. (2010). "Sociological Study of Effects of Women’s Education on Human Relations in Family". Letter of Social Sciences, 4 (4): 55-81. [In Persian]
- Majidi-Ghahroodi, N. & Azari, F. (2010). "Studying the Role of Internet in Improving Position of Women ". Journal of Women. Research Institutes of Human Sciences and Cultural Studies, 1 (2): 87-109. [In Persian]
- Nega, F. et al. (2009). "Gender, Social Capital and Empowerment in Northern Ethiopia". MPRA Paper No: (24629).
- Parvizi, S. et.al (2009). "Social Factors of Women’s Health Living in Tehran, A Qualitative Study". Nursing Studies, 4 (15): 6-15. [In Persian]
- Parvizi, S. et.al (2008). "Theoretical Explanation of Health from Women’s Perspective". Journal of Family Studies, 4 (15): 293-302. [In Persian]
- Raheim, S. & Bolden, J. (1995). "Economic Empowerment of Low Income Women through Self-Employment Programs. Affilia- journal of women and social work, 10 (2): 138- 154.
- Rahmani, M. et.al. (2008). "The Role of Microcredits in Women’s Empowerment: A Case Study of Poshtrood Village of Bam Town ". Journal of Women Studies, 6 (3): 105-132. [In Persian]
- Rastgar Khaled, A. (2005). "The Role of Women in Family and Job Protection", Iranian Sociology, 6 (4): 126-165. [In Persian]
- Ravdrad, A. & Naebi, H. (2007). "Gender Analysis of Expected Roles and Limited Work of Women in the Family". Journal of Women Studies, 5: 27-58. [In Persian]
- Rezaie-Ghadi, Kh. (2009). "Empowerment Indexes of Female-Headed Households ". Proceedings of 2nd Conference of Women’s Empower and Empowering Female-Headed Households, Department of Tehran Municipality Women’s Affairs, pp: 179-199. [In Persian]
- Saee-Orosi, I. & Valipour, Sh. (2007). "Studying Effective Factors of Women’s Empowerment in Social Development and Cooperation, A Case Study in Lorestan Province". Behavioral Sciences, 2: 67-101. [In Persian]
- Sadeghi-Fasayi, S. & Larijani, M. (2011). "Empowering Strategies of Women Compared to Sexual Harassment at Work Environment". Women Studies (Women, Rights and Development), 5 (3): 71-98. [In Persian]
- Safiri, Kh. (2006). "Women and Academic Education". Journal of Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, 15 (56-57): 101-127. [In Persian]
- Shaditalab, Zh. & Gerayinezhad, A. (2004). "Female-Headed Household’s Poverty". Women’s Studies, 2 (1): 49-70. [In Persian]
- Shaditalab, Zh. (2002). Challenges and Developments of Iranian Women, Tehran, Qatreh Press. [In Persian]
- Shalbaf, A. (2011). "Studying the Effects of Women’s Education on Power Distribution in the Family". Tehran, Azad University, Sciences and Researches Branch. [In Persian]
- Shek, D. (1995)."Gender Differences in Marital Quality and Well-being in ChineseMarried Adults". Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 51 (6): 11-802.
- Spreitzer, G. M. (1995). "Psychological Empowerment in the Workplace: Construct Definition, Measurement and Validation". Academy of Management Journal, 38 (5): 1442- 1465.
- Takane, T. (2007). "Diversities and Disparities among Female- Headed Households in Rural Malawi". Institute of Developing Economics, IDE Discussion, Paper, No: 124.
- Unesco, (2006). World Science Report. Available at: www.unesco.org.
- Vedadhir, A. & Saadati, H. (2011). Health in Socio-cultural Life of the City (Review of Socio-cultural Studies and views on Health of Tehran Metropolitan. Tehran: Society and Culture Press. [In Persian]
- Zohra, H.T. (2010). "Socio- Psychological Status of Female Headed of Households in Rajshahi City, Bangladesh". Journal of Anthropology, 6(2): 173- 186.