A Study on the Relationship between Forgiveness, Personality Traits, Mental Health in Couples Who Referred to Hygiene Centers of Gachsaran

Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of this research was study the relationship between forgivenss, personality traits and mental health. in order to, 150 couples (300 persons)who referd to Gachsaran hygiene centers were chosen with available sampling procedure . for gathering data, five factor personality, forgiveness and Goldenburg mental health questionnaires were used . After gathering questionnaires, obtained data analyzed with statistical procedures, such as Pearson correlation coefficient and independent T test. The results illustrated that there was a significant negative relationship between the forgiveness and neuroticism, and a significant positive relationship between forgiveness and agreeableness, extraversion, conscientiouness, and openness. Also, the couples who have same personality traits were forgiving each other more than couples who have differ personality traits and have more mental health. Finally, the results of this research showed that, the mentally healthy couples were forgiving each other more than couples without mental health. 


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