Relationships between Marital Conflict and Juvenile Delinquency

Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of this survey is to investigate the importance of parent's conflict, their deal with their children and the juvenile deviance behaviors. The hypotheses which form the basic theoretical perspective of this survey have been developed from social control and social interaction theories. A self-report procedure, applied in survey form, was used to collect the required data. The self-report data was obtained through a questionnaire from a sample of about 1035 male and female high school students in the city of Shiraz. T Test, analysis of variance (ANOVA), correlation coefficient and multiple regressions were statistical techniques used in the data analysis. The results showed a significant relationship of the parental conflict on juvenile delinquency. Also, there is a significant relationship between parent-child conflict at home and outside and juvenile delinquency. In addition, there is a negative significant relationship between attachment of family and juvenile delinquency. The research model variables, parent-child conflict at home and family attachment, explained 20 percent of juvenile delinquency of students.


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