Methodology of Eroing Goffman Social Theory

Document Type : Research Paper



Goffman is one of the second half twentieth century social theorists who was a marginal and even conceal personality in sociology theory for long time. He has been known as lacking of general theory, innovator of strange and self-made expressions. On the other hand by blending his though with Durkhim, simmel, symbolic interaction approach and ethno-methodology and his attempt for establishing everyday life sociology, convert him to a theorist with a contradictory situation. The main purpose of this paper is presenting the methodology of Goffman. This article using documentary research method to describe situation of method and theory of Goffman. Goffman in theory discussions is more likely to ethnographers in explaining everyday live that this factor causes his written style becomes irresemblance with the rest of sociology theorists. After falling period of action theory, Goffman helped displaying analysis creation as another from of symbolic interaction, and because of it he became famous. In methodological discussions, for his rich discussions on interpretations approche in social science, he is deserved to be named as one of the greatest leaders in this area.


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