A Study of the Relationship between Modern Communication Technologies and Gender Identity of Students A Case Study of High School Students of Shiraz

Document Type : Research Paper



This study was a survey on the relationship between modern communication technology (internet & cell phone) with gender identity of students. The sampling frame of the study included all high school in Shiraz. 368 students were sampled using random stratified sampling strategy. Theoretical frameworks of the study were Jenkins’s and Giddens’s social identity theories. The results of the study showed that there was a significant relationship between using internet and cell phone and education area. Similarly, It was found that there was a significant relationship between using internet and cell phone and gender of the students. Further, there was a significant relationship between students’ social class and using cell phone and internet. No significant relationship was found between the use of cell phone and internet and gender identity among girl students. However, there was a significant relationship between using internet and cell phone and gender identity of boy students


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