A Study of the Impact of the Islamic Azad University on the Economic Development of the Women Life from the Point of View of the Kazeron City Women

Document Type : Research Paper



This study aimed to study the consequences of the establishment of Islamic Azad University (IAU) on the life of women in Kazeron. In particular this study attempted to examine the consequences from the stance of women of Kazeron. This study drew on a sample of 1677 educated women and girls older than 15 including employees (government and non-government), housewives and students (university and school) who were married, single, engaged or widows from Kazeron selected randomly using cluster sampling. A questionnaire was employed as the instrument to tap the attitudes of the respondents about the economic consequences of IAU in terms of different dimensions. To establish validity and reliability of the questionnaire a use was made of content validity analysis and Cronbach's Alpha respectively which indicated that it had reliability and validity. Using SPSS the data was analyzed revealing that from the perspective of the Kazeron women IUA played a positive role in augmenting women's willingness and involvement in city management, increasing job diversity, job creation and aiding the family and women economy, accessing jobs and finding a job and making money.


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