A Study of the Relationship of Eating Attitudes and Self-Regulation with Life Style in Obese and Non-Obese Women

Document Type : Research Paper



Obesity is a medical term that describes a state of overweight (fat tissue) in the body that has negative impacts on health. In this research, we tried to find out the relationship between eating attitudes, and self-regulation with life style dimensions between obese and non-obese women in Shiraz city. To this end, a sample of 202 women (101 obese and 101 non-obese) were selected randomly from the total population of the Shiraz women. Eating attitude, self regulation and life style questionnaires were administered to the participants and information of participants’ bodily assessment were gathered with the assistance of a nutrition expert on the basis of body fat tissue (BMI). Results showed that there is a positive relationship between eating attitude and life style dimensions, and a negative relationship between eating attitude and self regulation, but a positive relationship was found between self regulation and life style dimensions at 0/001 level of significance. Moreover, significant differences in eating attitudes, self regulation and dimensions of life style were found between obese and non-obese women at 0/001level of significance


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