Manifestation of Woman in the First three Books of Mathnavi Manavi

Document Type : Research Paper



Mathnavi is the world of love and friendship. In this mortal world, the purpose of Molana is training majestic and mature people who are constantly worshiping God. To speak about women and views surrounding them is no easy requiring research and investigation. Women in the wide arena of the world carry a special burden on their shoulders; giving birth to and raising and maturing human beings mentally and physically. In this paper an attempt was first made to study the women's depictions and representations in circumstances which could be beneficial as in fact a woman is representative of achievement of dreams and desires. Thus her status and value shouldn't be ignored. Then, mention was made of women who had important role in Molana's life including Molana's mother "Gohar" who was a pure and chaste woman and his second wife "Karakhatoon" who was an intelligent and bright woman. Molana in a description of "Karakhatoon" points out that she was the most beautiful woman in the world in terms of face and perfection like the star of Sareh and in chastity and pureness was like Virgin Mary in her time. According to Molana coupling of elements and moral understanding are of prime importance in marriage. He refers to the coupling of the phenomena in the world several times in Mathnavi. The implication of this paper is that the goal of Molana is to be a perfect human being and that no difference should be made between men and women from different nationalities. And also that the merit of people is not in their gender. Molana's conception of a perfect human being transcends the material borders


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