The Effectiveness of Life Style Training on Marital Satisfaction and Burnout Among Married Women of Isfahan City

Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of this study was to review the effectiveness of life style training on marital satisfaction and marital burnout among married women of Isfahan city. The research method was quasi-experimental with control group and pre-test and post-test. The population included all married women referred to the family community center in Isfahan in the spring of 2016. The sample size included 30 subjects chosen by convince sampling and randomly divided into control and experimental groups (n1=n2=15). The experimental group during 12 weekly sessions, received lifestyle training. All participants completed, Enrich Marital Satisfaction Questionnaire (1989) and Pines Marital Burnout Questionnaire (MBQ) (1996) as pre-test and post-test. Data were analyzed by covariance in SPSS-21. Results showed that lifestyle training increases marital satisfaction and reduces marital burnout and the findings were significant (P<0/05). According to the findings, couples can enrich their life by  reforming their lifestyle through life style training.


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