Determining the Relationship between Core Self-Assessment with Work Engagement for Working Female Headed Household in Ahvaz

Document Type : Research Paper



This paper attempts to study the relationship between core self-assessment and work engagement for female-headed households supported by relief committee in Ahvaz. Female-headed households can be considered as one of the fundamental pillars of any society. The sample size included 200 people was estimated by Morgan’s Table (1970). Research instruments were central self-assessment of Judge (2003) and work engagement of Salanva and Schaufeli (2007). Reliability was calculated by using Cronbach's alpha including 0.78 for self-esteem, 0.82 for self- efficiency, 0.72 for locus of control, and 0.74 for emotional stability. This study seeks to answer these two pivotal assumptions: the self-assessment and career aspirations of women headed households are related; components of core self-assessment have the ability to predict job engagement among women headed households. Regression analysis showed that core self-assessment and career aspirations of women supported by the relief committee have a significant positive relationship. The results of the regression analysis between the predictor variable with work engagement for all subjects, multiple correlation is obtained (R= 0.441) which is significant at P>0.001 level.


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