Psychological Empowerment Levels of the Tafihan Women Cooperative in Shiraz

Document Type : Research Paper



The psychological empowerment has been widely acknowledged as an important goal in social development. The main aim of this study was to investigate levels of psychological empowerment among the members of Tafihan Rural Women Cooperative. Research population consisted of all Tafihan cooperative members (418 members), out of which, a total number of 200 members were selected through stratified random sampling method. The data were obtained through questionnaire. Face validity of the questionnaire was obtained through an experts’ panel and reliability was obtained through pilot testing. The Cronbach's alpha ranged from .79 to .82. To compare psychological empowerment dimensions used one-sample t test. Results revealed that competency dimension from psychological empowerment of cooperative members had been the most mean among the other dimensions. In addition, three dimensions of competency, meaning and trust have been significantly more than the optimum mean among cooperative members. According to results, some recommendations have been presented at the end of article.


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