The Role of Dark Personality and Flourishing in Couples Burn Out

Document Type : Research Paper



This paper aims to evaluate the predictive role of dark personality and flourishing in couples burnout in the City of Isfahan. The research is a descriptive correlative survey. The statistical population included all couples in the city with a sample of 106 couples (212 individuals) selected randomly. The participants responded to couple burnout inventory (Pines, 1996), Dark personality (Jonason and Webster, 2010), and flourishing (Diener, 2008). Data were analyzed using multiple regression by stepwise method. The results showed that among the components of dark personality (Machiavellianism Narcissistic, Psychopathy), the narcissistic had the highest contribution to physical burnout followed by the flourishing variable. In addition, flourishing and the dark personality total score were found to best predict emotional couple burnout. Regarding mental couple burnout, flourishing and narcissistic components had the highest prediction power respectively. Overall, it became clear that couple burnout could be explained based on their personality characteristics.


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