The Second Sex in the philosophy of Schopenhauer and critical view of Islam

Document Type : Research Paper



    The study has been conducted on the basis of studying and analyzing Schopenhauer's social criticism on the women’s issue and emphasizing his article about women. The starting point of our discussion begins with the question whether Schopenhauer generally criticized women’s existence or their life conditions. However, what results can be achieved from Islamic teachings in comparison with the views of the philosopher. using the philosophical and hermeneutical analysis method, offering some contemporary scholars and researchers' views on issues of feminism school and relying on the clear and significant difference between legal and philosophical feminism, it can be said that the pessimistic philosopher’s views came from his metaphysical pessimism and specifically refer to the beginning of his philosophical thought. In fact, his views on the women’s issues have more legal perspective than a philosophical one. So, with a focus on the outlooks of Islam and the West on the women’s personality, two different views have been expressed: Islam holds a metaphysical and sometimes emotional view on the women’s issues but the West takes an instinctive and sometimes legal view on the women’ issues, also Schopenhauer is greatly influenced by the Western outlook. Therefore, this article attempted to assess and comment on the theories of expressing his and Islamic views about women’s issues.


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