Studying the Relationship between Competencies and Dignity of Female Professors and their Teaching Quality in Islamic Azad University

Document Type : Research Paper



    The main purpose of this research was studying the relationship between competencies and dignity of female professors with their teaching quality in region 1 of Islamic Azad University. The population of this research included all female faculty members and 136 faculty members were chosen by random stratified cluster sampling method according to Krejcey and Morgan table. Shahidi’s questionnaire (2011) for assessing teaching quality with 27 statements (chronbach alpha= 0.861), a questionnaire for assessing the dignity of professors in universities with 6 statements (chronbach alpha = 0.824) and Shahidi’s questionnaire(2011) with 13 statements for assessing competencies (chronbach alpha = 0.866) of faculty members were used to conduct this research. Regression coefficient and multiple regressions were used to specify the portion of competencies and dignity in teaching quality. Results showed that competencies (coefficients= 0.262) and dignity of professors (coefficients=0.104) had a positive, direct and significant relationship with teaching quality and had the power to predict the teaching quality.


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