Conceptual Model of Underlying Factors in Men’s Domestic Violence against Women

Document Type : Research Paper


1 payame noor

2 Associate Professor, Kharazmi University

3 azad eslami university

4 kharazmi university


    Family as the most important social institution has been a major concern of cultures, religions, and nations. This social institution plays a key role in raising children and transmission of culture, customs and beliefs to future generations. Familial violence particularly against women results in disorders, which prevent this social institution from playing its role as expected. The research aims to survey the underlying factors of this violence in interview with women. This study used qualitative research and grounded theory method. Sampling continued until theoretical saturation was obtained. Totally 17 participants with marital violence experience to his wives were interviewed in semi structured and in-depth method and analyzed using the constant comparative method of Strauss and Corbin. Finding indicated that men’s domestic violence against women has chief dimensions including personal, couples, families and para family with its subsection. Then with regard to finding, causal condition, facilitating conditions, phenomena and strategies and its conceptual model and selective coding are explained.


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