Investigating Wife Abuse and It’s Affecting Factors in Urban and Rural Areas of Ardebil Province

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Prof


The present study investigates wife abuse and its affecting factors in urban and rural areas of Ardebil province in 2016 via survey study. The sample size included 1100 women selected from urban and rural areas of Ardabil province by using stratified sampling. In order to measure wife abuse the Haj Yahy wife abuse standard questionnaire implemented in 2000 in Palestine as a measurement tool for the first time was used. Answers were collected through direct interviewees and questionnaires. The results showed that the amount of wife abuse in all areas of Ardabil province was 29.6 percent. Investigating the aspects of wife abuse, identified that financial abuse with 33.2 percent was the most of wife abuse and physical abuse with 27.2 percent, was the lowest ones. Psychological wife abuse in this study, approximately 29 percent and sexual abuse is estimated around 29.2 percent. Regression analysis of affecting factors of wife abuse showed, the independent variables such as; involvement of families, Irritation to the husband, trust between couples and learning violence in the origin family leads to a change the amount of wife abuse respectively. The independent variables explained 50 percent of variance of dependent variable.


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