The Impact of Organizational Toxic Climate on Intention to leave job among female nursing: Explaining the role mediator of Stress and Job burnout

Document Type : Research Paper



    Healthy and favorable organizational climate can improve organizational relationships and organizational performance however, unhealthy and toxic climate may create environment of suspicion and stress and have negative effects on individual performance and organizational performance. This article aims to examine the relationship between organizational toxic climate and intention to leave job. For this purpose, two variables mediating role stress and job burnout were considered in the relationship between organizational toxic climate and intention to leave job. This research is purposeful, applied and methodically descriptive of survey type. The study population consisted of 150 female nurses of Ali Ebn Abi Taleb hospital in Rafsanjan city and the data collection tool was a questionnaire. Validity and reliability the questionnaires using face validity, construct validity and Cronbach's alpha were examined. To analyze the data, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling software and smart PLS (version 2) was used. The results showed that organizational toxic climate has no directly effect on job burnout and intention to leave job but has direct and positive effect on stress. Also The results showed that stress has directly and positive effect on job burnout but no effect on intention to leave job. The results showed that the organizational toxic climate indirectly and through mediator variables stress and job burnout effect on intention to leave job.


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