The Semantic Reconstruction of Face Management Among the Female Students of the Islamic Azad University of Marvdasht

Document Type : Research Paper



    This paper studies the semantic reconstruction of face management among female students of Islamic Azad university of Marvdasht by using interpretive research paradigm. The interpretive paradigm and qualitative approach emphasizes on the authenticity of subjectivity, meaning and self-definition of reality and people in their daily life construct the definition of social reality. The research methodology is qualitative and depth interviews are used for data collection. The sample size selected by theoretical sampling method includes thirty-seven students. Grounded theory method helped to analyze the data. the results included 10 major of categories (harvest and evaluate yourself , mental image of the face and body, pressure patterns and norms, accepted socially, face management, cultural and social contexts, consumer culture , panache ,individual and social rewards , personal and social costs) and one nuclear issue (desire and action-oriented approach appears to benefit in the sociocultural context of university).


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