The Study of Factors Related to Women's Social Identities Case study: Women living in the Central Part of Pasargad City

Document Type : Research Paper



    The general goal of this research is to identify the factors associated with women's social identity in Pasargad city. The research method is survey. Multistep cluster sampling method was used. The sample consisted of 377 women aged 18 to 64 living in the central part of the city Parsagad. The questionnaire survey was completed in the autumn and winter 2015. Research instrument of the paper is a questionnaire made by the researcher. Using the theory of Giddens and Tajfel,  9 hypothesizes were written and the relationship between the 9 variables (1-age, 2-education, 3-hours of study, 4- individual skills, 5-life satisfaction, 6-employment, 7-participation in religious ceremonies, 8- membership in sport group 9, marital status) with social identity of women were studied. The validity of this research is face validity and its reliability was calculated as 0.85 by using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Bivariate analysis shows the relationship between all variables except (membership in sport groups) is significant with women's Social Identities. The results of multivariate analysis using stepwise regression shows that four variables (life satisfaction, hours of study, participation in religious ceremonies and skills individual) entered the regression equation and explained 0.33 variance of the dependent variable (women's Social Identities).


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