The Reduction Factors of Rural Women Social Exclusion Case Study: Rural Women of Ardabil County

Document Type : Research Paper



    The purpose of the present study was to investigate the reduction factors of rural women social exclusion in the Ardabil County. The research method was analytical -explanative survey type. The population of the study consists of all rural women living in rural areas of Ardabil County in 2017 (N=31204), among which 380 persons were selected as statistical sample by using Cochran formula. Sample size was determined based on the Cochran’s formula and the required data were collected through questionnaires. Content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by professors and experts and its reliability was determined based on Cronbach's alpha (0.86-0.90). For analyzing data, factor analysis model was used. The results of this model showed that the most important factors for the exclusion of rural women social involvement includes four components (reinforcement of social network and social capital, reinforcement of psychological capital and live satisfaction, economy empowerment and empowerment of life quality and cultural infrastructure and attention to education). The cumulative variance by five factors was 71.12.


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