Examining the Multi Relationships among Life Satisfaction, Marital Satisfaction and Sexual Satisfaction with the Life Quality Improvement of Married Women in Abadeh City

Document Type : Research Paper



    The main purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among life satisfaction, marital satisfaction and sexual satisfaction and the married life quality improvement to married women in Abade city. This research is practical based on objective. Research type was descriptive-correlative. The population consisted of married women in Abadeh of which 150 were chosen as a sample using multi-stage cluster sampling method. The data collection tool were questionnaires marital satisfaction of Enrich, life satisfaction of Diener, married life quality of Fletcher and et al, and women sexual relationships of Rosen and et al. The obtained data were analyzed using Spearman's correlation coefficient and Structural equation model. The results of Spearman's correlation coefficient show that life satisfaction, marital satisfaction and satisfaction of sexual relations parameters have significant relationship separately the quality of women’s married life. However, the results of final model show that none of the variables of life satisfaction, marital satisfaction and satisfaction of sexual relations don’t have multiple relationships with dimensions the quality of women’ s married life.


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