The Effectiveness of Marital Counseling Based on Human Validation Patterns in Reducing Conflict and Increasing Marital Satisfaction of Veterans' Couples

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of psychology, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran.


    The present study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of marital counseling based on the model of human validation in reducing marital conflicts and increasing marital satisfaction of veterans' couples in Zanjan city. The research was carried out using a semi-experimental method. Out of 36 couples referring to the study, 30 couples with the highest score in marital conflict and the lowest marital satisfaction score were selected and randomly divided into two groups. The two groups were pre-tested by marital satisfaction and marital conflicts questionnaire. The experimental group couples were consulted in 8 sessions according to the human validation pattern and the control group was in the waiting state. Then, the questionnaires were taken from both groups. To analyze the data, multivariate covariance analysis was used. Findings showed that marital counseling based on human validation pattern significantly reduced marital conflicts among veteran couples and increased their marital satisfaction (p <0.001). Considering the effectiveness of marital counseling based on the human validation pattern, it is suggested that this model be emphasized on the self-esteem of couples in marital life in order to reduce marital conflicts and even increase marital satisfaction in counseling centers and psychologists.


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