The Moral Judgments Survey with an Emphasis on Gender Differences through Ayatollah Javadi Amoli `s Views

Document Type : Research Paper



    This article reviews moral judgment of gender differences through the library style and analytical method. More than this, it thrives to find out the criterion of moral judgment in men and women. Since the judgment is done on the base of wisdom, the question is whether wisdom alone is sufficient to judge or not. Some results are obtained from the point of view of psychologists, philosophers, feminist’s ethics, and its implementation with a view of Ayatollah Javadi Amoli. The result shows that a criterion in judging men and women depends on their types of attitudes due to the lack of difference in perceptions of emotional and intellectual power. Although the issue of arbitration is in different ways, the judgment result can be the same. Therefore, we can claim that the moral judgment does not depend on gender. Although the type of performance is different, .each of the two sexes is able to solve the moral problem and moral judgment in same way.


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