Prediction of Sexual Satisfaction of Womens based on Their Feeling of Guilt and Shame and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation

Document Type : Research Paper


1 , Department of Psychology, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran.

2 Department of Psychology, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran


isfaction is one of the important indices of couple's satisfaction from one another. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the role of guilt and shame and the difficulties in emotion regulation in sexual satisfaction among married students. The research methodology was descriptive following a correlational approach. The statistical population included all the married students in Islamic Azad University of Shiraz during 2017-2018, out of which 160 married students were selected by convenience sampling. Hudson and Harrison's Sexual Satisfaction Scale (1981), Tangney and et al's test of self-conscious Affect (1992) and Gratz and Roemer's Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (2004) were used for data collection. The collected data was analyzed using Pearson's correlation and multiple regression. Research findings showed that the correlation coefficients between the difficulties in emotion regulation and self-conscious affects and sexual satisfaction was R = 0.64. Therefore, it can be concluded that self-conscious affects (guilt and shame) and difficulties in emotion regulation play a role in sexual satisfaction.


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