The Comparison the Effect of Group Counseling Based on Gottman Method Couple Therapy and Systemic-Behavioral on Relational Ethics of Married Women in Tehran.

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student Consulting, Department of Counseling, Faculty of Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, Scienceand Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Counseling, University Kharazmi, Karaj, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department ofCounseling, University Kharazmi, Karaj, Iran


Introduction: All of those who want to get married and start a family are looking for a happy, successful and long-term cohabitation and expect a fair relationship with equal rewards and costs. Current study's aim is comparison the effect of group counseling based on Gottman method couple therapy and systemic-behavioral on relational ethics of married women in Tehran.
Materials and Methods: The research is an experimental one with repeated measurement and with pre-test, post-test and follow up with two experimental groups and one control group and to collect data from the Relational Ethics Questionnaire (RES) were used. Multivariate analysis of covariance was performed using SPSS software version 23 on the data. The statistical population Included 100 married women who voluntarily referred to Mahmid and Frazahn Counseling Centers in Tehran in 2019. From this population, 36 people who received the lowest scores of the Relational Ethics Questionnaire were selected and randomly divided into three groups of 12 each. Experimental and control groups were selected randomly for the implementation of Gottman's couple therapy and systemic-behavioral. Pre-test was performed on all three groups and after 14 sessions of group couple therapy, post-test was taken and one month later, follow-up test was performed on the groups.
 Findings: The findings showed that: Gottman method couple therapy and systemic-behavioral on relational ethics and its components has been effective and that this effect had remained constant in the follow-up phase but there was no significant difference between these two methods in terms of effectiveness on relational ethics (p= 0/531).
Conclusion: Considering the effectiveness of the researched approaches, it is suggested to use these approaches in order to resolve marital conflicts and increase relationshinal ethics.


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