The Genealogy of Women in Jihad (The Study of the Presence of Women in Jihad According to the Jihadist Texts of Sunni Fundamentalists)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Sociology, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

2 Department of Sociology, Al Zahra University, Tehran, Iran


Introduction: Jihad is a critical concept which Islamic fundamentalists are interperate it in fatal ways. Jihad is defined in classic Islamic texts precisely that Shia and Sunni are not challenged about it. Women have not had main role in Jihad before emergence of ISIS in Middle East.
Materials and Methods: The methodology considered in the paper is qualitative and the method used to analyze jihad is a comparative-historical method. As the specificity of the women's presence in jihad in the Islamic world is significant in the study, relying on traditional totalitarian historical interpretations does not clarify the aspects of the phenomenon, and we used the genealogical method to examine it.
Findings: By studying the classical texts on jihad, we discovered the women's status as a starting point or zero in genealogical analysis, which is childbearing and marriage, and finally a trip to the house of God based on the historical documents of female jihad.  Mohammad Khair heikal's book was a breakpoint in women jihad discourse that is accelerate women participations in Jihad.
Conclusion: In this paper, we have shown the selective form of narrations and history in line with today's goals by jihadi theorists to involve women in jihad to some extent. Feminists are argued about women recruitment in ISIS that is made resistance point in Jihad discourse. Although most Jihadist ideologists are insisted in unparticipating women in Jihad.


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