A Study of the Dimensions of Iranian Women's Identity in Contemporary Women's Literary Works Based on Erich Fromm's Theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD candidate Persian language and literature, Applied Linguistics Research Center, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Applied Linguistics Research Center, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen, Iran.


The purpose of this article is to study the dimensions of identity and individual independence as well as the lack of identity due to submission and domination in contemporary Iranian women based on contemporary women's literary works (a case study of Simin Behbahani's poems) based on Eric Fromm's theory. According to Fromm, turning to communicating with others and gaining an identity or lack of communication with society leads to a better understanding of one's identity. In Simin Behbahani's poems, the idea of ​​defending national identity and fighting against its lack is reflected. As a woman, she expresses this feeling with a cry of patriotism, dependence and the extent of her belonging to her motherland, in order to call national identity a manifestation of her true self.
Methods:The research method is analytical-descriptive. In this research, Simin Behbahani's poems have been selected as an example of the works of contemporary women poets, based on the theoretical framework of the forum.
Findings:Findings show that Behbahani portrays Behbahani as a contemporary Iranian woman in her poems in defense of national identity and struggle against identitylessness due to human submission to the domination of the power seekers of society (Pahlavi government). Also, in most of his poems, she has not lost his true identity and in practice has maintained her independence.


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