Document Type : Research Paper
PHD Student in Political Science, Faculty of Low, Theology and Political Science, Branch of Olum Tahghighat, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Full professor of Political Science, Faculty of Law, Theology and Political Science, Olum ve Tahghighat Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Low, Theology and Political Science, Branch of Olum Tahghighat, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Introduction:Women's rights movements have been formed to protest some inequalities in social, political, cultural and economic structures. Accordingly, the main question of the present study is: Have women's protests in Iran, from the constitutional period until now, led to the expansion of their participation in social, political and cultural life?
Methods: The present study, by use of analytical and descriptive methods and the theories of structuralist Marxism seeks to find an answer for the aforementioned question. The case study, obviously will be contemporary Iranian women.
Findings:It has become clear that no positive changes have occurred in regard to women's condition and their participation in social, political and cultural life. Women as carriers of humanistic movements, instead of not reacting to the male structure, have become the submissive subject of the male structure. Instead of emphasizing on an asexual structure and criticizing the inequalities of the male social, political and economical structures, they themselves, as a unit of the structure, consider their presence in it as a social duty.