Qualitative exploration of the contexts and consequences of women's addiction in South Khorasan

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student in Sociology, Shiraz University

2 Professor of Sociology, Shiraz University


This study aims to study and understand the contexts and consequences of women's addiction. The method of research is grounded theory and the participants of the research are 25 recovered women of South Khorasan who are in the stage of quitting addiction. Data were obtained through semi-structured interviews and continued until the stage of theoretical saturation.. The results show that the experience of fundamental challenges such as divorce and remarriage of parents, family breakdown, domestic violence and parental addiction are among the causal conditions of women's tendency to use drugs. Double compulsion and restrictions in the field of choosing a spouse and forced marriages, as well as forced drop-outs from the family, are the underlying causes and conditions of women's addiction. Interfering factors for drug use by women also include addiction rings and traps in which addiction is the result of a family conspiracy and, in addition, includes a long history of drug use in the family and living in a drug-contaminated environment and recreational use. Fun materials with friends and acquaintances. The consequences of addiction for women also include rejection and punishment by family and others, isolation and tendency to an informal, vulgar and baseless economy, which can lead to other types of social deviations.


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