Document Type : Research Paper
M.A. student of Geography & Urban Planning, Department of urban and rural planning, Faculty of Geography & Environmental Science, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Research Center of Geographical & Social Science, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran
In the recent decades, economic, social and cultural changes have increased the presence of women in the urban environment. This issue causes attention to women’s security and its determinants increase between researchers. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the role of environmental variables in women's security in urban space. The study is a survey-case study, cross-sectional and extensive research. The statistical society was 15-40 years old women of Sabzevar and the sample size was estimated based on Cochran's formula 366 which in the final questionnaire, 408 samples were collected and analyzed. The study area included 22 statistical districts of five urban textures (central, middle, informal, planned and peripheral). According to the research results, sense of place and perceptional density were two environmental variables that directly affected women's sense of security. land use mix, readability, and Duration of residence indirectly affected women's sense of security through the mediator of sense of place and environmental disorder was the only variable that affected women's sense of security, both directly and indirectly. Population density was the only variable that had no direct or indirect effect on women's sense of security. The results of stepwise regression and path analysis showed that sense of place alone explains 12.5% of women's sense of security. With the addition of the variables of perceptional density, environmental disorder and readability, the rate of explanation of the variance of the dependent variable increases by 20.7%. Reducing gender blindness in decision-making can help increase women's sense of security.