Analysis of the Role of Women in the Educational System of Hormozgan in the Pahlavi Period

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Islamic History and Civilization , Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic History and Civilization, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor Department of Iranian Islamic History, Qeshm International Branch, Payam Noor University, Qeshm, Iran.


Introduction: Given that women have an important role in social, political and economic developments in any period, and since women as male partners and half of the body of society, in fact, occupy half the life of a historical period, The author decided to study the role of women in the educational system of southern Iran, especially Hormozgan province in the Pahlavi era, and considering the culture of the people and their attitudes and views towards women, their role in the development of the educational system in this era.
Methods:This article analyzes the role of women in the Pahlavi era with a descriptive-analytical method and relies on documentary-library resources and seeks to answer the question of what was the position of women's society in general and Hormozgan women in Reza Shah's educational system.  
Findings:Preliminary research shows that from 1319 onwards, education began to operate in the districts and villages of Hormozgan, and what is very noticeable is that the role of donors (men and women) and The Board of Trustees in the establishment and expansion of schools of different levels in this period in Hormozgan province has sometimes been more colorful than the role of the government, and secondly, among different schools, the name of girls' schools is relatively appropriate. The first girls' primary school in Bandar Abbas in 1311 AH. It was established under the management and teaching of Ms. Talat Basti, and the role of Hormozgan women in promoting the culture and education of local graduates is a lasting one.


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