Discovery the Challenges of Marriage of Iranian Women to Afghan Citizens: A Case Study of Fars Province

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Department of Foundations of Education, Faculty of Education and psychology, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.


The purpose of this study was to study of satisfaction and consequences of Iranian women with Afghan men. The method of qualitative research was of a kind of phenomenology, in other words, the descriptive phenomenological approach (Husserl phenomenology) was chosen. Potential research participants were selected based on the principle of sampling with maximum diversity and the principle of sample saturation and were examined by in-dept semi-structured interview (31subjects of Fars Province).. Regarding the type of research, two main questions were considered during the interviews, including satisfaction of marriage and consequences of marriage. The analysis of the content of the interviews showed that there are 8 basic themes (feelings of humiliation, household economic needs, individual financial needs ...), 3 organizer themes (financial dissatisfaction, marital dissatisfaction, socio-cultural dissatisfaction) and 1 pervasive theme (dissatisfaction). In the study of social concequences, there were 33 basic themes (interaction with peers, interaction with family and family, non-acceptance in social situations, lack of social rights, ...), 13 organizer themes (family welfare, psychological well-being, legal protection, Cultural adaptability, etc.) and 5 pervasive themes (social isolation, socialization, social skills, children's harm, and social capital). According to the results, the necessity of attention and legal requirements for the marriage of Iranian women with foreign citizens is inevitable, and it is possible to prevent many personal and social harms by appropriate prevention


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