Introduction: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between gender schemas and social adjustment of male and female high school students in Joyem city. Methods: The research method is descriptive survey. They were selected as the sample size with Cochran's formula and simple random sampling method. The research instrument was Bam Gender Schema Questionnaire (1976) and California Social Adjustment Questionnaire Thorpe et al. (1936) which had good validity and reliability. . Results: The results of analysis of variance in relation to social adjustment and gender maps show that (f = 10.48) is significant, also The results of two-way analysis of variance showed that the rate of social adjustment between the two sexes in gender maps (f = 583.18) was significant. The result of independent t-test to evaluate the level of social adjustment in male and female students showed that the obtained t is equal to (3.35) is significant. The results of chi-square test to examine the relationship between social adjustment and gender maps in female students showed that the chi-square obtained was not equal to 7 significant. The results of chi-square test to investigate the relationship between social adjustment and gender maps of male students showed that the chi-square obtained was not significant equal to 1.81. According to what the results showed, there is a relationship between gender schemas and social adjustment of male and female students. Therefore, modifying or strengthening gender schemas is important to achieve social adjustment of students.
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ebadati, L., & ebadati, N. (2022). Investigating the relationship between gender schema and social adjustment in adolescents. Quarterly Journal of Woman and Society, 13(50), 1-12. doi: 10.30495/jzvj.2022.24292.3166
leila ebadati; narjes ebadati. "Investigating the relationship between gender schema and social adjustment in adolescents". Quarterly Journal of Woman and Society, 13, 50, 2022, 1-12. doi: 10.30495/jzvj.2022.24292.3166
ebadati, L., ebadati, N. (2022). 'Investigating the relationship between gender schema and social adjustment in adolescents', Quarterly Journal of Woman and Society, 13(50), pp. 1-12. doi: 10.30495/jzvj.2022.24292.3166
ebadati, L., ebadati, N. Investigating the relationship between gender schema and social adjustment in adolescents. Quarterly Journal of Woman and Society, 2022; 13(50): 1-12. doi: 10.30495/jzvj.2022.24292.3166