Introduction Marriage in childhood ages in different countries, including Iran, has a long history. In this paper, the qualitative study of the social health of female child marriage in Ahvaz is examined. Methods: For data collection and qualitative data analysis, the Semi-structured interview technique and qualitative content analysis approach and MAXQDA Software 2018 were used. Finally, Max Map based on the results of the analyzes was drawn. Theoretical saturation was obtained after 19 interviews. At the data analysis stage, a conceptual coding of the hypothesis based on conceptual filed was used that derived from theories of experts who regard social health as an aspect of one's health, especially the theory of social health of Keyes. The consequences of marriage at an early age for interviewed women fall into five main categories. Each has its role in some way to the quality of the five dimensions of their social health. Findings: One of the most important consequences of early marriage for girls is their loss of childhood. The phenomenon of the maternal child also puts the female of the child marriage on the path to accept heavy social responsibility which leads to more pressure. These children marriage faces many communication limitations after marriage, which results in social isolation which along with tolerating domestic violence lowers their social participation and social prosperity at the lowest level. All of these represent a low level of the five dimensions of social health in these individuals.
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najafiasl, Z. (2022). Qualitative Study of Social Health of Female Child Marriage (Case Study: Ahvaz City). Quarterly Journal of Woman and Society, 13(50), 197-212. doi: 10.30495/jzvj.2022.28902.3659
zohreh najafiasl. "Qualitative Study of Social Health of Female Child Marriage (Case Study: Ahvaz City)". Quarterly Journal of Woman and Society, 13, 50, 2022, 197-212. doi: 10.30495/jzvj.2022.28902.3659
najafiasl, Z. (2022). 'Qualitative Study of Social Health of Female Child Marriage (Case Study: Ahvaz City)', Quarterly Journal of Woman and Society, 13(50), pp. 197-212. doi: 10.30495/jzvj.2022.28902.3659
najafiasl, Z. Qualitative Study of Social Health of Female Child Marriage (Case Study: Ahvaz City). Quarterly Journal of Woman and Society, 2022; 13(50): 197-212. doi: 10.30495/jzvj.2022.28902.3659