The Effectiveness of Hope Therapy on Increasing Happiness and Life Satisfaction among Elderly Women Residing In Nursing Home of Borujen

Document Type : Research Paper



The elderly population the in the world is increasing and our country is not an exception with regard to this matter. Leaving the elderly to nursing home shows an ascending trend. Moreover behavioral and psychological disorders are more prevalent among the elderly in the nursing home. Regarding this important issue, the present research was performed with the aim of evaluation of hope therapy effectiveness on happiness increases and life satisfaction among the elderly women resided in the nursing homes. The current research is a semi experimental pretest-posttest style with control group. The community of the research includes all the elderly resided at Amin elderly center of Boroujen from whom 30 people are selected and replaced by random in two experimental and control groups. Then the Oxford happiness and Diener life satisfaction questionnaire were completed for each group. The hope therapy program was performed during 8 sessions for 1:30 hours while no intervention was done in the control group. After finishing the sessions of hope therapy program, the posttest was performed. The results of accumulated data showed that hope therapy education approach meaningfully increases the happiness and life satisfaction in the experimental group in the comparison with control group.
