Qualitative-Comparative Study of Reasons for Divorce during the 2000s and 2010s

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor, Department of development and social policy, Faculty of social sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Introduction: The changes of the past decades have faced the family with new changes and challenges, and the traditional concepts of family life have been threatened. Iranian society has not been exempted from these changes and the rate of divorce has increased in recent years. But due to the speed of changes, the roots of divorce are somewhat different from the previous decades.
Methodology: The selected method is a comparative qualitative method and data was collected using semi-structured interview technique with 32 couples who were separating in each decade of 1380 and 1390. The information in the 1380s was obtained from the couples who went to the Vanak family court in Tehran, and the information of the participating community in the 1390s was obtained from the clients of one of the basic lawyers of a court.
Findings: 4 main social, economic, cultural, personal and individual categories and a number of sub-categories were identified in each decade.The main categories are the same in both 1380s and 1390s. But in the 1390s, some sub-categories such as women's infidelity are discussed, which did not exist in the 1380s, and some important sub-categories disappeared in the 1390s due to the erosion of the importance of the family and the reduction of the mediating role of the root families. Like the interference of the root families.
Conclusion: The results indicate that individualism is increasing, away from religious beliefs, decreasing the importance and function of the family in all dimensions, including cases of changes.


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