Lifestyle and Attitude towards the role of Motherhood: A Research in Rasht City

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student in Sociology of Social Issues, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Guilan, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Cultural Sociology, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Femininity and the role of motherhood are manifested as a gender role

structure in the attitude towards motherhood. This attitude is different in

traditional and modern women. The developments of the last century in

the world and in Iran have exposed the lifestyle components of women to

change. The current research was conducted with the purpose of a

sociological survey on the effect of lifestyle on the attitude towards the role

of motherhood in two generations of women in Rasht city. The data was

collected using a cross-sectional survey and questionnaire among married

women with children with a sample size of 384 people, using a random

sampling method. Pearson’ correlation test and path analysis were used

for data analysis. According to research hypotheses, the attitude towards

motherhood and women s lifestyle were analyzed with the theories of

Bourdieu, Giddens, Mannheim and some feminist narratives. According to

the findings, there is a significant relationship between attitude towards

motherhood and lifestyle. With the modernization of the lifestyle, the

attitude towards the motherhood’s role in women is also modernized, this

is visible in aspects of the lifestyle such as body management, shopping

style, cultural consumption and leisure time. According to the research

indicators, women’s attitude towards motherhood is neither traditional nor

modern, but intermediate, but close to modern; Women’s lifestyle is in the

intermediate range (traditional-modern). Path analysis shows that cultural

consumption has the most direct effect on the attitude towards

motherhood. body management and economic social status have

direct and indirect effects.


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