Designing a model for Empowerment women in the judiciary

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of public administration, Majoring in organizational behavior, Faculty of Humanities, Zanjan, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Management, Department of Management and Accounting, Faculty of Humanities, Zanjan University, Zanjan, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Management, Department of Management and Accounting, Faculty of Humanities, Zanjan University, Zanjan, Iran



Introduction: The purpose of this research is to present a model for empowering women in the judiciary

Methods: Qualitative research method is grounded theory type. After interviewing 21 women who met the research criteria, the interviews were reviewed, organized and coded in three stages, open, central and selective, and the results of the research were divided into four general categories: "causal conditions", "contextual conditions". ", "intervening conditions" and "individual, social and organizational consequences" were divided, and finally, the model of empowering women in the judiciary was drawn. Reliability was done with the triangulation technique and validity was done using the member confirmation technique and discrepant items, which indicated the validity of the research results.

Findings: The findings of the research show that Empowerment of women is influenced by individual, organizational and extra-organizational factors, and by strengthening these factors, it is possible to improve their self-confidence and self-esteem, their job satisfaction, and the trust of organizational managers in using the capacity and abilities of women and the belief of other women in the existence of a meritocracy system in The organization created a sense of belonging and organizational commitment, and the effective use of the capacity and capabilities of half of the country's population changed the society's attitude towards women's capabilities.

The results: The most important component in all components of women's empowerment is the component of acquiring job knowledge. It seems that by increasing women's job knowledge, they can be empowered to take on management jobs


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