The Effectiveness of Couple Coping Enhancement Training on Dyadic Coping, Conflict Resolution Style, Ineffective Dialogue and Intimate Safety in Couples


1 Associate professor, Shahid Chamran university of Ahvaz, counseling group

2 Ph.D. student of counseling, Shahid Chamran university of Ahvaz

3 Shahid Chamran university of Ahvaz, master of counseling group


The aim of this research was to determine the effectiveness of couple coping enhancement training on dyadic coping, conflict resolution styles, ineffective dialogue and intimate safety among couples. The method of this research was semi- experimental pre -posttest with following and control group and statistical population included the couples referring to clinics in Ahwaz city in 2014 among whom 30 couples (15 ones for experimental group and 15 ones for control group) were selected by volunteer convenience sampling method and extra and exclude criteria. Research instrument includes Bodenman dyadic coping questionnaire, conflict resolution styles questionnaire, Kurdek ineffective dialogue questionnaire, Cordova intimate safety revised questionnaire. Data were analyzed with means and covariance. The results suggest that couple coping enhancement training has effect on dyadic coping variables, conflict resolution styles, ineffective dialogue and intimate Security.


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