A Review of Women’s Social Demands in the Press of Constitutional Era (With an Emphasis on Their Writings in the New Iran Newspaper


1 Member of Scientific Board of Islamic Azad University, Shahrood Branch, Shahrood, Iran

2 Graduate student of History, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran;


The chief intention in this study was to investigate the sociological demands of women in the press of constitutional era with an emphasis on the first edition of New Iran newspaper in 1948. This newspaper published women’s writings that had a demanding approach towards their social rights and also played a great role in their awakening, awareness, and the fruition of their social demands. Documented, descriptive-analytical method was applied in an attempt to gather information in this review. The importance of addressing this era is also due to the active presence of women for the first time in a guild-like association. This era, when women bring up their social demands, their most fundamental request was opening schools for girls and providing education for girls. The fruition of women’s social efforts to get their social demands in the form of girl schools is the focal purpose of this revision.


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