The Comparison of Technology Usage by Female English Language Teachers in State University and Islamic Azad University in Shiraz



Appropriate uses of information technology in teaching-learning process can promote the quality of teaching and lead to learning achievements. However, there are various types of information technology used in classrooms which can be included on one spectrum. A side of which consists of power-point and the other side consists of mixed electronic learning systems. Despite this, all mentioned types might not end up in improvement of learning and teaching quality. This study was an attempt to compare of technology usage by female English language teachers in state university and Islamic Azad University in Shiraz. This study is functional and semi experimental. The participants of this study included 65 English language teachers, (36 in state university and 29 in Islamic Azad universities) they were selected through convince sampling method. To collect the required data the questionnaire was made by the researcher on a five-point Likert scale. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient indicated .97 the reliability of the questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed through, Independent T-test, Pearson Chi-square test.  The findings of this study revealed that the most used English language teaching method was communicative and the least used method was audio-lingual method in both state and Islamic Azad universities. As the results showed that there is more significance difference between English language teaching methods in state university than in Islamic Azad University. Moreover, using technology in English language teaching methods increased language learning motivation, there is a significance difference between state university and Islamic Azad university, Educational technologies like virtual class, printer, and scanner were used more by female teachers in Islamic Azad University than state university. Results showed that Islamic Azad University employed technology more than did those at the State University.


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