The Effectiveness of Group Training Transactional Analysis on Couple Burnout and Love Story in Women

Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of recent study was to examine the effectiveness of group training transactional analysis on couple burnout and love story in women. The research method was quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test control group with follow up session. The sample consisted of 87 people who had gone to counseling centers affiliated to Shiraz Municipality in last quarter of 2014. Randomly, 24 people were selected among those whose score was upper than 3 in couple burnout scale and then were separated in tow groups as control and experimental. The experimental group participated in 10 training sessions of Transactional Analysis. In this study, the research tools were Pinze couple burnout and love story. The inferential statistics (analysis of covariance and t-test) helped to analyze data by SPSS version 20. The results indicated that transactional analysis training significantly reduces women's marital burnout, but has no significant effects on women’s Love story. This study showed transactional analysis training reduces women's marital burnout so this approach can be used in couples and families interventions to reduce burnout among couples.


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