The Effects of Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Hardiness among Female Victims of Domestic Violence

Document Type : Research Paper



This study examined the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy on hardiness among victims of domestic violence. The method of the study included quasi-experimental pre-test, post-test with two experimental and control groups, respectively. The sample covers all young couples in Emdad Committee in Ghochan. The sample subjects chosen after the public announcement and call included 91 women who voluntary participated. In the beginning of the experiment, domestic violence screening questionnaire to identify women with the highest rate of domestic violence were conducted.The women who had the highest rate of domestic violence included 37 women randomly put into experimental group (n=19) and control group (n=18).They responded to the questionnaires of hardiness and quality of life and cognitive behavior therapy groupwas conducted for the experimental group and the control group in 8 sessions of 90 minutes without any intervention. The results showed that cognitive behavioral group therapy was effective on the hardiness and quality of life amongfemale victims of domestic violence. Implementation of this intervention is recommended to improve couples’ relationships and the performance of their families because the cognitive behavior therapy was effective and satisfactory on quality of life and family hardiness offemale victims of domestic violence.


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