The Role of Religious Coping in Psychological Well-Being of Female-Headed Householders of Hashtroud

Document Type : Research Paper


university of sistan and baluchestan


The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of religious coping in psychological well-being of female-headed householders of Hashtroud city within 2013-14.Method of this research was descriptive- correlation. The statistical population was comprised of 210 female-headed householders supported by State Welfare Organization of Hashtroud. The sample included 106 subjectsestimated by Morgan table and selected by available sampling method. The instruments consisted of the religious coping scale (Aflakseir&Colman, 2011) and psychological well-being (Tabasizangani, 2005).The reliability of subscales of religious coping scalewas .79 to .89 and the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of subscales of the psychological well-being questionnaire were.62 to .90.For statistical analysis, Pearson correlation and regression analysis methods were used. The results show that there was a significant and positive relationship between dimensions of positive religious coping and psychological well-being. In addition, there was a significant and negative relationship between dimensions of negative religious coping (P= 0/001) and psychological well-being(P= 0/001). The Step-Wise regression analysis shows that charitable assessment was a positive predictor for psychological well-being (Beta=0.42,P=0.001) and negative feelings toward God was a negative predictor for psychological well-being (Beta= -0.2,P=0.001).Regard to results the religious coping has a main role in preventing and decreasing emotional and mental problems. Thus, it is betterto carry out some interventions for positive religious coping to enhance psychological well-beingof female-headed households.


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