The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence, Mental Health and Job Stress of Mothers with Mental Health of High School Female Students

Document Type : Research Paper


استادیار دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد مرودشت


The aim of this research was to study the relationship between emotional intelligence, mental health and job stress of mothers with mental health of high school female students. this study was applied from the objective aspect and correlation method was used for its implementation. The statistical population included all high school female students of ShahidDalaki, areaone in academic year of 2016 with 300 persons. By using purposive sampling method and Morgan table, 169 persons were chosen as a sample and finally 140 questionnaires were collected. Emotional intelligence questionnaire of Schutteet. al. (1998); job stress questionnaire of Steinmetz and depression, anxiety, stress scale (DASS) questionnaire of Lovibond&Lovibond (1995) were used for data collection. The results showed that there is not a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and mental health of mothers with mental health of children. There is a negative and significant relationship between job stress of mothers and mental health of children. Job stress of mothers was able to predict the mental health of children.


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