The Effectiveness of Forgiveness Therapy on Divorce Adaptation of Divorced Women in Shiraz

Document Type : Research Paper


1 hormozgan university, humanistic sience department

2 Islamic yazd azad university

3 university of medical sience

4 Islamic azad university of sadra


Failure of spouses to address their fundamental needs in the marriage procedure results in losing life meaning and divorce. Emotional aspects have the potential to involve couples in loneness. Regarding such situation, people should be guided before and after marriage. Forgiveness is the manner of emotional and attitude alternations of a guilty person. The present paper investigates the effectiveness of forgiveness therapy on divorce adaptation of divorced women. Statistical population of this study included divorced women resided in Shiraz in 2015. 30 people selected by simple random sampling method were divided were randomly assigned into two groups. Research tool was fisher’s 100-items questionnaire of adjustment after divorce. The obtained result was analyzed by using covariance technique. Results demonstrated that there was a significant difference between experimental and control groups. This indication means that group learning of the concept forgiveness leads to improve the level of adjustment among the divorced women.


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