Sociological analysis of social barriers to participation in sports activities of women and men (Cause Study: Employees of the Mining and Trade)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Student of Sports Sociology, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 University azad thran

3 Islamic Azad University, Research Branch


This study aims to compare the social participation barriers of male and female employees of the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade in sports activities. The research method is causal-comparative and of applied type. The statistical population of this study included all female and male employees who worked in the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade. The sample size was 152 people, and the same size of questionnaires about the social participation barriers including three dimensions of social trust, feeling of powerlessness and self-concept in six subscales of intra-group trust, out- group trust and abstract trust, feelings of powerlessness, positive self-concept and negative self-concept, were distributed among them. In this research, the Cochran formula was used to determine the sample size based on the statistical population. The results showed that there is no difference between social trust (intra-group trust, out- group trust and abstract trust) between men and women employees. There was also no difference between the powerlessness of the male and female employees. In addition, the results showed that there is no difference between self-concept (self-concept of the person and the person's perception of the image of others) in male and female employees. According to the findings, there is no difference between social participation barriers in sports activities of male and female employees.


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-Sociological analysis of social barriers to participation in sports activities of women and men (Case Study: Industrial, Mining and Trade Employees of Tehran Province)