The Relationship between Modeling and Social Identity among Young Girls Aged 15-29 Years in Kerman

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student of Islamic Azad University of Dehaghan

2 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Dehaghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehaghan, Iran.


Modesty, although rooted in the natural needs of young people, derives from the spirit of youth modernism, and the trend towards fashion represents a kind of rethinking and, in fact, an attempt to transform and change the apparent aspects of life. Regarding the significance of the discussion of the sense of the consequences of moderation, the present study used a field method, survey technique and questionnaire research tool to answer the main question. Is there a relationship between modality and different dimensions of social identity? The statistical population of this study was all girls aged 15 to 29 years old in Kerman. 384 of them have been studied as sample size. SPSS software and structural equations of Smart PLS were also used to analyze the data. The results of the research indicated that between socialism (P = 0.33) and its indices: national identity (P = -0.43), religious identity (P = -38 /), cultural identity (22 / 0-P =), historical identity (P = -0.26), and family identity (P = -0.36). Young girls in Kerman have a negative, inverse and meaningful relationship. Therefore, all research hypotheses are confirmed. Also, the results from the Structural Equation Model (Smart PLS) also showed that modality has a moderate effect on social identity (-0.450) and the moderating variable in total (0.220) explains the variance of social identity variable.


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