Juisprudential and Legal study of Job discimination for Women with emphasis on Job security

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Thought, Sirjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sirjan,Iran.


Since women make up a large part of society's workforce, women's work and activity are a necessity in the economic, intellectual, cultural, and social spheres. Women's employment is a means of earning a living and meeting their needs. It has their security. Sometimes women's discrimination and inequality of employment have negative effects on them, providing the necessary conditions for women's job security, feeling a good job, ensuring that it continues in the future, the lack of threatening factors and proper working conditions, meaning security. It's a job. Employment security is felt when there is strong support for discrimination, injustice or unfair dismissal. To achieve this, eliminating discrimination, job inequality and security is one of the most important demands of women. This article seeks a jurisprudential and legal analysis of security and gender non-discrimination against women in the field of work and employment. Jurisprudential texts and labor rights have denied any discrimination and dichotomy in employment and have condemned the exploitation of women and the creation of discrimination, the difference between men and women, and their humiliation.


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