The Effectiveness of Cognitive Therapy Based on Mindfulness on Feelings of Loneliness, Self-criticism and Negative Self-generated Thoughts in Mothers with Disabled Children

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Mazandaran, Iran

2 Master's degree in General psychology, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Social sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Mazandaran, Iran


Introduction and Objective: the presence of disabled children and their care in every family affects the mental health of family members, especially mothers. The aim of the research is to investigate the effect of cognitive therapy based on mindfulness on the feeling of loneliness, self-criticism and negative spontaneous thoughts in mothers with disabled children.

Method: The research method is semi-experimental. The statistical population of the research includes mothers with disabled children in Noor welfare center in 1400. The statistical sample was considered based on the research design of 30 people who were randomly replaced in two experimental and control groups. For collect the information of this research, Russell‚ Russell et al (1980) loneliness questionnaires, Thampson and Zuroff (2004) self-criticism, and Hollon & Kendall (1980) negative spontaneous thoughts were used. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy intervention sessions were implemented based on the 8-session protocol Bowns and Marlatt (2011).

Findings: The results of covariance analysis showed that cognitive therapy training based on mindfulness reduces the feeling of loneliness in mothers with disabled children by 0.55, reduces self-criticism by 0.23, and reduces negative self-inflicted thoughts. In mothers of disabled children, it has an effect of 0.35.

Conclusion The results show that cognitive therapy training based on mindfulness reduced the feeling of loneliness, self-criticism and negative spontaneous thoughts in mothers with disabled children, so it can be said that in order to reduce the feeling of loneliness, self-criticism and negative spontaneous thoughts, cognitive therapy training based on Mothers with disabled children can benefit from mindfulness.


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